Yu-Gi-Oh!: The 10 Best Cards In Rage Of The Abyss (2025)

Key Takeaways

  • Rage of the Depths supports classic monsters with powerful effects and interactions.
  • The expansion includes cards with omni negates and board wipes that disrupt the opponent's strategies.
  • Specific cards like Primite Imperial Dragon and Azamina Moa Agina provide critical extensions and interruptions.

The Rage of the Abyss set in the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG contains support for many popular and forgotten monster archetypes. Some of these cards add fuel to the fire while others make an unexpected splash by using strategies that have long been banned in the TCG.


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This set upgrades classic boss monsters and cards that can help upgrade your basic structure decks. There are cards that can wipe your opponent’s board as well as omni negates that can stop them from playing the game. Here are the ten best cards in Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG’s Rage of the Abyss expansion.

10 Primite Imperial Dragon

Negate Effects And Banish Cards

Yu-Gi-Oh!: The 10 Best Cards In Rage Of The Abyss (2)

Primite Imperial Dragon is a monster with plenty of potential. All you need to run it is a way to get a normal monster out on the field. While this card can only be Normal Summoned by Tributing a normal monster, you can use its quick effect to get it on the field during your opponent’s turn.

Once on the field, it will negate your opponent’s monsters that are currently on the board. It will then banish monsters on your opponent's side of the field that match up with the normal monster’s type or attribute.

9 Azamina Moa Agina

More Sinful Spoils Support

Yu-Gi-Oh!: The 10 Best Cards In Rage Of The Abyss (3)

As if Sinful Spoils needed more cards to make it run better, Azamina Moa acts as an extender and interruption. While on the field, it can fetch an illusion monster from your graveyard and Special Summon it back to the field.

When another Azamina or Sinful Spoils card is activated, you can trigger its second effect, which lets you choose two cards on the field and destroy them. This is a great way of breaking down your opponent’s board while working your way up the combo.

8 Dominus Impulse

A Not So Niche Hand Trap

Yu-Gi-Oh!: The 10 Best Cards In Rage Of The Abyss (4)

Dominus Impulse is the companion Trap to the Dominus Purge card that was released in The Infinite Forbidden set. While the other card might see some niche play, Dominus Impulse is even better because the lock only stops you from using light, earth, or wind monsters.


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This means that dark and fire-based decks have an easier time playing around this restriction and gain yet another interruption. This negates a card that lets your opponent Special Summon a monster. If there is already a Trap card in your grave, you can also destroy it.

7 Legendary Lord Six Samurai Enishi

Six Samurai Returns

Yu-Gi-Oh!: The 10 Best Cards In Rage Of The Abyss (6)

Rage of the Abyss adds a fantastic extra deck monster to the Six Samurai archetype. These cards have been around for quite some time with new support sprinkled across the years. Legendary Lord Six Samurai Enishi is a level six Synchro monster that can remove your opponent’s monsters from the field.

To do this, you will first need to banish any number of Six Samurai monsters from your graveyard. Then you can target that many monsters on your opponent’s side of the field to bounce them back to the hand. Then, if this card is sent to the graveyard, you can bring back one of your banished Six Samurai monsters.

6 Heart Of The Blue-Eyes

A Fresh Millennium Card

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The Blue-Eyes White Dragon archetype is one of the most beloved series of cards. While they may have been bricky in the past, Rage of the Abyss offers an easier-to-utilize printing. This card is a fantastic addition to an Exodia deck since it can discard itself to add Millennium Ankh to the hand.

Then, if you successfully used Millennium Ankh during the duel, the next time your opponent Summons a level eight or higher monster with 3000 or more attack, you can bring this back from the grave and get rid of your opponent's monster.

5 Poseidra Abyss, The Atlantean Dragon Lord

Sea Serpents Rise Up

Yu-Gi-Oh!: The 10 Best Cards In Rage Of The Abyss (8)

Poseidra The Atlantean Dragon is a boss monster that was originally printed in the Realm of the Sea Emperor Structure Deck. However, Rage of the Abyss upgrades the card. For he is now a dragon lord.


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However, unlike its original version which was cumbersome to get on the field, this one can do so through XYZ Summoning or using another Atlantean or Mermail XYZ monster as an overlay. It can bounce up to three cards back to your opponent’s hands as well as Special Summon three other monsters from the hand or graveyard if it ends up dying.

Metal Never Looked Shinier

Yu-Gi-Oh!: The 10 Best Cards In Rage Of The Abyss (10)

Red-Eyes Black Fullmetal Dragon is a fantastic new addition to dragon decks everywhere. You can reveal this card from your hand to set the new Metalmorph Trap directly from your deck to your field. Then this card gets shuffled back.

Luckily, the Trap will bring back Red-Eyes Black Fullmetal Dragon if you Tribute a level five or higher dragon. While this may sound lengthy, it is worth it for the Omnin Negate. It also burns your opponent, which can be useful if you need to use time rules to close a game.

3 Fire King Courtier Ulkanix

The Year Of Fire Continues

Yu-Gi-Oh!: The 10 Best Cards In Rage Of The Abyss (11)

The Fire King archetype is often paired up with other ones such as Snake-Eyes. So seeing Fire Kings get even more support is always welcome towards keeping the archetype alive and kicking.

Fire King Courtier Ulcanix is a level four monster that can do many useful things when it is Summoned. You can destroy another fire monster in your hand or on your field. For Fire Kings, this will trigger destruction effects. It can also search out cards and float into other monsters if it hits the graveyard.

2 Lacrima The Crimson Tears

More Fiendsmith Support

Yu-Gi-Oh!: The 10 Best Cards In Rage Of The Abyss (12)

The Fiendsmith archetype has proven to be one of the deadliest archetypes due to how easy it is to get resources in the graveyard. This is a necessity to get your searches. Lacrima the Crimson Tears allows you to send a Fiendsmith card from your deck to the graveyard when Summoned.


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This will kickstart the entire Fiendsmith combo. This card also has a graveyard effect which allows it to shuffle itself back into the deck to bring out a Fiendsmith link monster that is also in your graveyard.

1 Mulcharmy Fuwalos

Another Maxx C

Yu-Gi-Oh!: The 10 Best Cards In Rage Of The Abyss (14)

Mulcharmy Fuwalos is such a game-breaking card for the advantage that it can provide. The idea is that you want to run three in your side deck. What makes this card so good is that you can discard it from your hand and draw a card every time your opponent Special Summons a monster from the deck or extra deck.

While you might have to shuffle back a few cards at the end of your opponent’s turn, you can still use any hand trap that you draw into. While it may not be exactly Maxx C, it still gives you a devastating hand advantage over your opponent.


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Yu-Gi-Oh!: The 10 Best Cards In Rage Of The Abyss (2025)
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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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