While many banking details can be taken care of online these days, there are still times when you need to consider physically mailing something to your bank. Wells Fargo is no exception to this, but you must know the proper address. Unfortunately, the Wells Fargo address will be different for each department.
Wells Fargo is available nationwide through its online banking, but it does not have branches in every state. You can contact their corporate headquarters in San Francisco, CA at:
420 Montgomery Street
San Francisco, CA 94104
You can also reach their customer service department for general banking at 1-800-869-3557.
If you need the address for other departments, this detailed guide will give you all of the information you need to contact them through the postal service.
Table of Contents
Wells Fargo Address for Wires
Sending wires to and from your Wells Fargo bank account is an important part of doing business. Whether you need to wire a down payment to your attorney for a home or pay off a debt, there are many different reasons to send a wire. You will need to be prepared with all of the necessary details to do so.
If you need to send a wire, you may need to locate the appropriate address for Wells Fargo. In addition to your complete Wells Fargo account number and the name on the account, you will need to keep this address in mind:
Wells Fargo Bank
420 Montgomery Street
San Francisco, CA 94104
In addition, you will also need the routing number (domestic wires within the United States) or the SWIFT code (international wires sent in either US dollars or a foreign currency).
Wells Fargo Address for Direct Deposit
Are you interested in having your paycheck deposited directly into your bank account each payday? Many people like to take advantage of this service to get faster payments so that they can use their checks sooner. However, you will need to know the Wells Fargo address when you fill out your direct deposit form.
Unlike the wire address which is the same as their headquarter address, direct deposit utilizes a P.O. Box:
Wells Fargo
P.O. Box 3488
Portland, OR 97208-3488
This is also the same address you will use to mail in your deposits.
Auto Loans
If you have any questions or paperwork that needs to be mailed in related to your auto loan, Wells Fargo has a separate location that handles these inquiries. You might want to keep this address on hand just in case you need it for the future:
Wells Fargo Auto
P.O. Box 168048
Irving, TX 75016-8048
If you need to file a dispute with your auto loan, there is a separate address for this function. You will need to mail in dispute to:
Auto Loans
Attn: credit Bureau Operations
PO Box 71092
Charlotte. NC 28272

Checking and Savings Accounts
Managing your checking and savings account is easy with Wells Fargo because there are locations nationwide. However, some people still prefer not to go into their local branch. Instead, they prefer to handle everything via snail mail or through their online banking portal.
If you need to mail in anything related to a checking or savings account, here is the address you will use:
Wells Fargo Bank
P.O. Box 6995
Portland, OR 97228-6995
Sometimes, you might need to file a dispute with your account. You can do this by mailing in your paperwork to their Overdraft Collection and Recovery agency. It has a separate address from the one listed above. This is only for checking and savings accounts:
Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.
Overdraft Collection and Recovery
P.O. Box 5058
Portland, OR 97208-5058
Credit Card
Anything related to a Wells Fargo credit card needs to be mailed to a separate address. Keep in mind that this will be different than the address used for checking and savings accounts. All documentation related to credit cards can be sent to:
Wells Fargo Card Services
P.O. Box 51193
Los Angeles, CA 90051-5493
Consumer reporting disputes related to credit cards will go to a different address. Credit card disputes including Dillard’s cards will be sent to the below address:
Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.
Atten: Credit Bureau Disputes
PO Box 14517
Des Moines, IA 50306
Home Equity and Home Mortgage Addresses
Wells Fargo is a very popular choice for lending products like the home equity line of credit and home mortgages. While similar, both of these departments will actually have separate addresses. You should be familiar with where to send paperwork related to these items.
If you are trying to reach the home equity department, this is the address you will use:
Wells Fargo Home Equity
P.O. Box 10335
Des Moines, IA 50306-0335
The Home Mortgage department has the same address but will be sent to a different department. Here is how you will address mail related to mortgage products:
Wells Fargo Home Mortgage
P.O. Box 10335
Des Moines, IA 50306-0335
You will use the above addresses to contact Wells Fargo in writing if you notice an error in your account or to make an information request.

Where is the Wells Fargo Headquarters?
The corporate offices of Wells Fargo are located in San Francisco, California. If you wish to contact them at their corporate offices, you can do so at:
Wells Fargo
420 Montgomery Street
San Francisco, CA 94104
They also have an operational headquarters located in Manhattan, New York. There are many managerial offices located throughout the United States and even in other countries as well.
If you want to learn more aboutWells Fargo as a bank for startups, we have written a complete guide on this topic.
How Do I Speak to Wells Fargo Customer Service?
If you need to speak to Wells Fargo customer service, they have a phone line available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This makes it easy for customers to contact someone to have their questions resolved quickly. Be aware that their call center may be experiencing high volumes and longer wait times as a result of the pandemic.
For general banking, you can call 1-800-869-3557.
For Wells Fargo Online, you can contact them at 1-800-956-4442.
If you need to contact Wells Fargo internationally, you can use on theirinternational access codesto reach out. They organized alphabetically by country name for your convenience.
Is Wells Fargo in All 50 States?
While Wells Fargo is one of the largest banks in the country, they do not have branches in all fifty states. Currently, there are thirteen states where they do not have any branch locations, including:
- Hawaii
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Maine
Massachusetts - Missouri
- New Hampshire
- Oklahoma
- Vermont
- West Virginia
However, you can still access this bank through their online banking portal. This makes them more accessible, even if you live in an area that does not have a local branch. While it may be inconvenient to not be able to run by the bank to deposit a check or speak with a teller, online banking is an easy solution to all your banking needs.
Wells Fargo Address
Depending on what department you need to reach, you will find a different Wells Fargo address for each section. Make sure to be clear on what you need from them so you can locate the appropriate address!
William Westerlund
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